86 Market Street, Birkenhead, Merseyside, CH41 6HB
Telephone: 0151 649 0191
We're open
Surgery closed for training Tuesday 25th Feb 1pm. Urgent patient notice URGENT Patient Notice Closed for Staff Training Prescription Requests over the Telephone to stop from July 2023 PATCHS a new platform for online consultations going live 15th February Patient Update on NHS Services Across Wirral We are closed Monday 19th September Farewell to Dr Das and Dr Wyche Brighter Birkenhead PCN Health Fayre
Dr A Adegoke MBBS, DGM, DFFP, MAAFP, FRCGP, PGDip Cardiology
Senior Partner (Male GP)
Dr B Adeogun MBBS, DCH, MSc Public Health, MRCGP
Salaried GP (Male GP)
Dr W Adesina
Salaried GP (Female GP)
Dr Jeremy Hin - F2 Doctor (Male)
Dr Allie Pirmohamed
F1 Doctor (Female)
Dr Nicole Crossley
F1 Doctor (Female)
Janet Timperley RGN
Practice Nurse
Izzi Steele RGN
Practice Nurse
Diane Streets
Phlebotomist / HCA
Carys Lockwood
Locum HCA
Mark Deevey
Practice Manager
Gail Spencer
Office Manager
Becky Trevitt
Practice Administrator
Georgina Kieran
Medicines Manager
Harry Griffiths-Whiting
IT / Admin Assistant
Admin / Patient Coordinator
Patient Coordinator
Patient Coordinator
Patient Coordinator
Patient Coordinator
Patient Coordinator
Patient Coordinator