86 Market Street, Birkenhead, Merseyside, CH41 6HB
Telephone: 0151 649 0191
We're open
Surgery closed for training Tuesday 25th Feb 1pm. Urgent patient notice URGENT Patient Notice Closed for Staff Training Prescription Requests over the Telephone to stop from July 2023 PATCHS a new platform for online consultations going live 15th February Patient Update on NHS Services Across Wirral We are closed Monday 19th September Farewell to Dr Das and Dr Wyche Brighter Birkenhead PCN Health Fayre
If you are staying with a friend or relative in the area for a short period of time and have ongoing medical conditions that may need medical assistance, you may register with our practice as a temporary resident.
To do this, complete a temporary resident registration form (GMS3) and hand this in to reception. You will not be required to have a new patient medical appointment and we will not receive any records for you from your registered GP unless required for medical reasons, we can obtain these with your consent.
Once your temoprary registration has expired, we will send a summary of what we have treated you for and prescribed you back to your registered GP.