86 Market Street, Birkenhead, Merseyside, CH41 6HB
Telephone: 0151 649 0191
We're open
Surgery closed for training Tuesday 25th Feb 1pm. Urgent patient notice URGENT Patient Notice Closed for Staff Training Prescription Requests over the Telephone to stop from July 2023 PATCHS a new platform for online consultations going live 15th February Patient Update on NHS Services Across Wirral We are closed Monday 19th September Farewell to Dr Das and Dr Wyche Brighter Birkenhead PCN Health Fayre
Dr Ritika Das has now left the practice after her 4 month placement with us and will return back to hospital work. We wish her all the best in the future.
Dr Molly Wyche has also finished her 2 year placement with us. We also wish her all the best for the future.
Both Doctors have been fantastic assets to the practice and will be missed by both patients and staff here.
As a training practice we will be welcoming 3 new Doctors over the next 2 weeks.
Dr Alex Dady has started her 4 month placement with us today and will be seeing patients from next week.
Dr Laura Harris and Dr Katie Gibson-Bailey are due to start a 2 year placement with us from next week also.
Details as and when they start will be updated in our staff section on our website.